Coffee Drinks

Why La Natura

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod
maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

A navy blue circle with a white plus sign in the center, reminiscent of tea capsules for Nespresso machines.

Swiss Packed

We import the highest quality organic coffee beans into our state-of-the-art production facility in Switzerland.

A white checkmark centered on a dark blue circular background, reminiscent of the quality assurance you experience with La Natura coffee machines.


Our Swiss factory is immaculate, precise, and managed carefully under international standards.

White seedling icon with two leaves on a dark blue circular background, perfect for promoting organic tea capsules compatible with Nespresso machines.


Our coffee is Certified Organic and Fair Trade.ย  Our capsules are compostable and biodegradable.

A white heart icon is centered within a dark blue circle, perfectly symbolizing the care and passion we pour into each blend of our organic coffee capsules.


Natural organic products are selected with care.ย  They are GMO-free and never in contact with pesticides or chemicals.

What Our Customers are Saying

I love the coffee, but I was attracted to La Natura because of the compostable capsules.ย  I love my Nespresso machine, but I hate the waste from the metal capsules.ย  Great product - I strongly recommend it.

Allison Clark

Verified Buyer

I love the Forest Fruit tea.ย  This flavor reminds me of my childhood, growing up in Europe.ย  Fruity and delicious without being too sweet.ย  I just ordered two full cases.ย 

Charles Fogle

Verified Buyer

I love these coffee beans.ย  The roast is perfect - lots of flavor, and not harsh or acidic.ย  I've heard about slow-roasting, and this is the first coffee that I have bought that uses this technique.ย  I'm a fan...

Roxanne Philips

Verified Buyer

La Natura is a great coffee.ย  It is very European in style and flavor.ย  I particularly enjoy the Lungo Forte roast.ย  The teas are also very nice.ย ย 

Jessie DeVonn

Verified Buyer
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